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My name is Peter Dewes, I test mainly cowshed dairies (also occasionally: goat, sheep, chicken sheds and sale yards) for electrical leakage that may be causing behavioural issues and possible production losses with the milking herd. I am based in Hamilton and cover the North Island. I have been doing this testing full time for my own company, Peter Dewes Limited since 2004. My wife, Lexa, assists me with office work. Before starting my own company, I trained under my father, Dr Harry Dewes who was a well known vet here in the Waikato from 1955 to 1985. He then formed a company called Scientific Associates Limited who developed a specialised peak recording voltmeter specifically for detecting low level electrical leakage in cowsheds along with electric fence pulse leakage and transient 'spikes' from motors initialising and other sources. I now also use a 100 Mhz oscilloscope for measuring radio frequency leakage ('noise') from variable speed drive controller cabling installations and occasionally leakage from switch mode power supplies. These variable speed drive controllers are now very commonly used for milk lift pumps, vacuum pumps, platform drive motors, backing gate motors and less often for farm pressure pumps, wash down pumps and effluent pumps.



About us.

The typical time it takes to test a cowshed for stray electrical leakage is one and a half to three hours depending on the number of sources of leakage found. A typical source of leakage is returning electric fence leakage passing back through the cowshed. This can take up to an hour to work out what the best options are for re-locating the electric fence earth or whether the electric fence energiser itself needs relocating. Sometimes it's the neighbour's electric fence and other times all the electric fence needs is a timer.

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