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Fixing construction issues in older cowsheds


In some older cowsheds where steel re-enforcing hasn't been laid in the concrete I can provide a service of supplying and installing 32mm x 3mm galvanised steel flat strips to earth the milker and the cows. Often it is just the pit that needs the strips to earth the milker so that he/she doesn't 'shock' the cows when the milker is applying the cups or handling the udder. Even though the milker is wearing gumboots and an insulating apron it doesn't take long through a milking before the milker gets covered in a fine mist spray of water or urine. Once this occurs the electrical leakage is conducted up and over the clothing of the milker to the cups and udder of the cow. These strips are fastened with countersunk sleeve anchors every 650mm which don't protrude above the 3mm thickness of the flat steel strips. The drilled holes and countersinking is done before galvanising to help make a durable product. Occasionally it is also necessary to lay these galvanised steel strips under the cow's hind hooves on the bail floor.

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